Win for Active Travel!

Cambridgeshire Liberal Democrats are celebrating after their proposal to seize the moment for Active Travel was passed successfully at the County Council!
"It's a fantastic result, and I'm looking forward to working quickly on the detail." said Highways & Transport lead, Cllr Ian Manning.
The key now is to quickly identify schemes that can be implemented, ensuring that they have community support, that local Councillors are informed, and above all that they work on the ground.
"I'm aware that there are several sets of ideas - from County officers, to crowd sourced lists via organisations like CamCycle, to lists the district Councils are gathering. It's important we find the best of these and start implementing them quickly.".
Calls for radical changed were backed by Cllr Manning, but with some caution: "We have to recognise that some vulnerable people will always need to rely on the car.
We also also need to ensure that the criteria attached to the Government funding allow us to be radical: and that means trying lots of things, some of which might fail, but some of which will succeed."